Update on My Vegetables

The two tomato plants I bought as potted starters are growing like wildfire, and that's what you can expect from plants in a self-watering container.  The smaller plant is a patio tomato which is a bush tomato plant and the taller one is a Big Boy that is about 4 feet tall now.  There are at least 6 to 8 green tomatoes on them, and dozens of blossoms.  I'm hoping they stay healthy and produce a great tomato crop for me this year.  I'm so happy with their growth so far.

In the picture on the left, you'll see how fantastic the strawberries (left) are doing!  Lots of flowers and green berries.  I've picked two nice red berries so far. 

In the photo on the right are the zucchini plants in the smaller self-watering container.  These plants are about to take over.  There are several blossoms which I'm keeping my fingers crossed will turn into nice green zucchini.  Last year my zucchini plants died after blooming.  I'm not sure why; I didn't see any pests, so maybe underwatering.  That's why they are in this self watering container this year.

I planted bush beans (below) three times and they finally sprouted.  They may be getting a later start than they need to produce beans this season.  Last year I tried pole beans which did fairly well, but were a little too straggly.  I hoped these bush beans would yield a good amount, but I'm not sure they have enough time before the rainy season to produce.  I'm hoping, anyway.

And last, but not least, I've got 2 little green peppers growing well.  This plant, below, is left over from last Fall, when it gave me about 4 nice, medium-sized peppers.  I didn't dream it would bud and produce again this season, but I got a bonus.  Two growing seasons for the price of one!

So, as of April 2, everything is healthy and growing well.  I can only hope it continues along this smoothly and I get a nice basket of veggies to harvest.

Just a little note:  I'm also growing a few herbs - parsley, thyme, rosemary, chives and spearmint.  They all do very well here in Florida and haven't had any insect problems.  The only complaint I have is that the man who weed whacks around our houses, accidentally (I hope) cut off my spearmint down to the ground, along with a Plumbago I was nursing back to health after this tough winter.  They must have looked like weeds to him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These plants have grown quite a bit since I actually saw them. You are fortunate that you have no deer to eat them as we do here. We have onions planted so far and a few of them have been pulled out, by birds. Can not imagine why. Cousin in St. C.