My First Ripening Tomato!

Yay!  My first reddish tomato of 2010!  This is mid-April now and my little container garden is looking good.  Healthy.  Except for a few leaves that were hit by a low temperature after I planted them, which was the end of January and the beginning of February.  Now the weather here on the Treasure Coast is like summer would be in PA, if we had much of a summer in PA.  The temps are reaching low 80's in the daytime and 60's at night. 

At this point, I'd guess I have at least 80 little green tomatoes on the 2 bushes.  More than I ever had in Pennsylvania.  The trick here, though, is to baby the plants until the fruits ripen and can be harvested.  In PA, I just let the garden do it's thing.  Here, I have to check every day to make sure there aren't any bugs or diseases and to see if they need water.  These container plants definitely need watering every day.  It rained a little this morning but that wasn't enough to wet the garden soil thoroughly.

The zucchini (above) is doing well so far.  Several zucchinis have already bit the dust but I have at least 5 more that look like they will be maturing, as well as 7 more blossoms.  I'm itching to try stuffing and cooking the zucchini blossoms; I'll post it if I'm at all successful and remember to take a picture.

My poor strawberries (below) are being eaten by birds (or other bothersome critters).  I ate a few off the vine, so to speak, but now that the birds have found them, I may not get any more!  I think I should look around to see if I can find a net that goes over them for protection.  There must be something like that out there.  Sad looking, isn't it?

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